Lessons for the Modern Executive

by | Sep 11, 2017 | Blog, Resources | 0 comments

Nonprofit Resources - Association Management Company (AMC)

Helping Nonprofits Succeed

How can you control a hefty workload, and the million and one things going on in your life? Here are a few tips for staying on track as a modern-day leader:

Create boundaries and stick to them. Allocate a certain amount of time to work each day, and make a list of what you can reasonably accomplish in that block. Be efficient with your time, and don’t overwork yourself.

Keep up your exercise. The scientific evidence to support the benefits of exercise is paramount. Clear your head with one hour of cardio twice a day. Exercise gives you a chance to think, prioritize, and make decisions.

Stress will make you sick. Know that physicality and mentality are fully intertwined. Pills don’t always fix everything – often times, stress is the root cause of illness.

Understand people. Know people, their emotions, and motivations. As a leader, developing relationships with people creates the foundation for performing good work, and transforming an organization.

Make communication a priority. Along the same lines, talk to people. Monitor their workload, their performance, and their interaction with coworkers and clients. Give good direction, probe questions, and everything else will follow.

Looking for management support? How about committee development? Whatever you’re looking for, we can help you. Learn more about the services we offer and contact kristin@nonprofitresources.us.

Source: Joan Garry


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