Trends Nonprofits Should Know for 2018

by | Dec 21, 2017 | Blog, Marketing and Design, Resources, Tech | 0 comments

Nonprofit Resources - Association Management Company (AMC)

Helping Nonprofits Succeed

2017 was a good year for nonprofits, with total charitable donations rising to $390 billion in 2016 and projected to rise by 3.8% in 2018. Monetary giving and technological advances are the two biggest shifts that will impact 2018, and here’s how:

Tell your story

Things are getting more personal. Video engagement is increasing, particularly for telling stories and connecting with viewers. Use social media to help bring stories to life and create bonds with people interested in supporting nonprofit causes. Charity is about people donating time, money, and service. This concept will continue to become more personal, and adding humanistic touches will help you grow.

Electronic giving is taking over

Checks are only 15% of non-cash payment transactions, with convenient electronic methods of payment such as credit cards, Paypal, Venmo, and Apple Pay driving the personal check to extinction. Millennials are the largest generation of the population, with 84% of them giving to charity. Many have never written a check, and are more likely to donate via mobile campaigns and electronic means. Modern fundraising methods are becoming more important with each passing year.

Eye-catching design

Simplicity is the best way to capture attention. Inventive call-to-action buttons are a must for 2018, particularly for donations. Keep buttons informative, and be sure to optimize your website for mobile. Over 60% of users view online content on their mobile, so it’s important to make it easy to view here as well.

Customer relationship management tools

Avoid the paperwork overload and enhance work efficiency with customer relationship management platforms. With nonprofit popularity increasing and organizations growing, these platforms will help with documentation, email coordination, administration, and more, in 2018.

Source: NILE Resources

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