Staff Longevity and Creativity in Nonprofit Organizations

by | Jan 24, 2018 | Blog, Resources, Strategy | 0 comments

Nonprofit Resources - Association Management Company (AMC)

Helping Nonprofits Succeed

A report from CompassPoint found that one third of nonprofit executive directors and over 50 percent of the development directors questioned anticipated leaving their current jobs in less than two years. Alongside this, in 2017 it was found that 81 percent of nonprofits have no retention strategy whatsoever.

High turnover can significantly affect nonprofits’ ability to meet their mission. There are multiple ways to avoid this however, by putting a few simple things in place:

  1. Flexible time off
    As employees receive more flexibility with time off policies, their morale and work productivity increases significantly. 
  2. Sabbatical policies
    Providing sabbatical leave allows both the employee and the employer to take time away and develop a fresh perspective on the type of work that they do – ultimately increasing work productivity.
  3. Medical benefits that include resources such as acupuncture and massage
    Health and wellness is a top priority for all employees that comes with a costly price. Therefore, if businesses offer such benefits, it will attract and retain employees as well as ensure the wellness of each individual within the company.
  4. Scheduling that supports breaks, big thinking, reflection, and rejuvenation time
    Mental breaks act as a catalyst for creativity and productivity, as innovation happens most frequently when people change their environment. 
  5. Meetings that incorporate moment to ground, pause, (re-)center, reflect, deliberate, and see from multiple perspectives
    Employees remaining in constant communication with each other is essential. It allows managers to provide clear guidance and goals for their workers, ensuring optimal work productivity. 

Nonprofit Resources have been managing nonprofit organization of many types for over 10 years now, and we would love to assist your organization too! Contact Kristin Bennett for more information at


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