4 ways to thrive when traveling for work

by | Feb 20, 2019 | Blog, Event Management, Resources | 0 comments

Nonprofit Resources - Association Management Company (AMC)

Helping Nonprofits Succeed

Up, Up and Away! A The Nonprofit Resources (NPR) team is on location once again. This journey has taken us to New Orleans, LA for the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) 2019 Conference. Personally, I couldn’t be more excited to explore the vibrant French Quarter for the next week!

Overall, traveling is a key aspect to the work we do at NPR. Since joining the team in May, I have had the opportunity to visit six different cities for a variety of events. At times I have to admit that work travel can be taxing, but with the right attitude it doesn’t have to be! Below are a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way and learned from fellow NPR team members.

4 ways to thrive when traveling for work:

  1. Make sure you leave the hotel
    Taking a few hours to explore can help reduce work pressure and eliminate that restless feeling that hotels sometimes produce. This may seem obvious to some, but it’s easy to feel confined to your hotel room and forget to take advantage of a city.
    The first few work trips I went on, I felt pressured to focus on the tasks at hand and failed to get out and about. Now I push myself to step outside for a walk and see what each new location has to offer. You never know what you might learn or end up participating in!
  2. Set personal or professional goals for the trip
    Another great exercise to challenge yourself in a new city is to set a goal or two. Your goals don’t have to be extravagant by any means, start within reason and then branch out from there.
    Personally, I grew up with very particular eating habits and this limited my options when eating out while away from home. So I set a simple goal to try a new food on each trip!
  3. Create and collect memories
    Part of exploring new places is collecting a few tokens of memorabilia. Most of us travel with the intention of purchasing a gift or two for yourself and family/friends. This is another seemingly obvious tip, but often times slips through the cracks. However, searching for these items can provide a sense of purpose for your stroll through a city.

    Additionally, collecting memories does not have to be specific to material items. Through these experiences remember to take photos or write down your feelings to reflect on when you return home.

  4. Indulge in your hobby
    While in a different location, be sure to take time and participate in a hobby of yours. This can expand your network and you might find yourself connecting with new people that share in your hobby and other interests. At the very least, it should provide you with a sense of normalcy in a new environment.

    I have yet to tackle this tip on my previous trips, but New Orleans may be the perfect place to engage in conversation and put my rusty French skills to the test.

Remember that traveling for work breaks up your routine and can sometimes be a challenge to manage. Use these tips to keep thriving while you’re away from home!


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