Serving on a nonprofit Board requires serious commitment. Make sure to do your research in advance of pursuing opportunities. Find out what the roles and responsibilities are for the position and consider how your skill set can enhance a Board.
You may be seeking opportunities to meet and network with other executives, build and hone your leadership skills, and enhance your and your company’s reputation. What if you could do all of these things while also positively impacting your community?
Service on a nonprofit organization’s Board of Directors provides these benefits and much more.
NEW Solutions for Nonprofits’ Diana Kern outlined just some of the benefits in her article “Benefits of Serving on a Nonprofit Board from a Nonprofit Board Member”:
For professionals who want to use their skills and passion to make an impact on a nonprofit organization, there are fantastic benefits to serving on a board:
Some of the benefits of serving on a Board are:
Builds your skill set: Hone the skills you currently possess while serving on a board whether you work in marketing, human resources or finance, and learn new skills that you can add to your CV/Resume and LinkedIn profile.
Grows your network: Meet and collaborate with other passionate and talented professionals while serving on a board and make key contacts for the future.
Builds your brand and the nonprofit’s brand: Not only will your professional brand get a boost from serving as a board member, but you can build awareness and endorsements for that nonprofit through your participation.
Makes you feel good for doing good: Building social capital will give you that burst of professional and personal inspiration you may be looking for, and there is nothing better than the feeling that you can put your skills to good use.