Best strategies for dynamic Email Marketing

by | Mar 20, 2019 | Blog, Marketing and Design, Strategy, Tech | 0 comments

Nonprofit Resources - Association Management Company (AMC)

Helping Nonprofits Succeed

Email is not dead! In recent years, internet marketing may seem like a one stop shop with the introduction of social media. However, it is important to remember that email marketing is still a highly effective strategy that has the ability to engage with your audience!

For some of us, it’s easy to reference the mess of emails that we receive on a daily basis, most of which are quickly ignored and sent to trash. We forget that email campaigns with concise content, clean layout, and striking call to actions have the opportunity to reach clients and prospects directly.

At Nonprofit Resources we recognize the advantage of email marketing and utilize a variety of email marketing platforms to help our clients successfully tap into this powerful marketing sector. Some of the software tools that we utilize include Mailchimp, Robly, and MyEmma. Not only do these platforms allow us to create visually appealing content, but we have the ability to segment our outreach lists and monitor how subscribers engage with each campaign.

Regardless of the platform, Mailchimp has developed a great design guide that outlines useful tips for your organization’s upcoming email campaigns. Listed below is some advice for organizing your content:

  • Focus your message
    Some of the most effective emails have one clear message. If you have multiple messages to send, try breaking them up into a series of emails.

  • Be concise
    Reduce the length of your email until you can simplify no more.

  • Create a hierarchy
    Put the most important information first for people who are short on time.

  • Break it up
    Use headings and bulleted lists to divide content into sections that are easy to understand. This helps scanners and skimmers.

  • Link out
    If you have a lot of information to convey, link to a page on your website (or someone else’s website) where subscribers can learn more.

View the full guide from Mailchimp here and learn more about developing templates, inserting images, and focusing your call to actions!


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