12 Days of Holiday Cheer!

by | Dec 12, 2020 | Blog, Resources | 0 comments

Nonprofit Resources - Association Management Company (AMC)

Helping Nonprofits Succeed

Nonprofit Resources is celebrating 12 Days of Holiday Cheer by sharing our tips and tricks for your association. Come back every day until Christmas for a new post!

2 Days to Christmas, What’s Left to Do Before Year End?

The holiday season is a hectic time of year for not only personal life but also “in the office”. It seems your to-do list is never-ending before the first of the year. So what are you missing?

You’ve had 12 months of meetings, social posts, new logo designs, events and so much more. Is everything up-to-date and filed? Going into the new year, it’s very important to make sure your organization is organized and ready for a new year to do it all over again.

Contracts and Grant reporting, most nonprofits utilize grants and all have contracts. Make sure that any kind of yearly reporting has been handled before year-end so you’re in good standing for 2021.

Thank your sponsors. Your sponsors are a huge part of your organization and you couldn’t do it without them. Make sure they’re on your list to send a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year to!

Day 3 of our Holiday Cheer countdown! 3 Reasons to Choose an AMC

  1. Provides an affordable option to staff your association. With NPR’s growing list of clients, our resources continue to grow as well. Each client brings new experiences that can be shared across the board. 
  2. You get a whole team of professionals that bring specialized skills to the table. Each staff member is unique in their talents, and having all kinds of backgrounds supporting your association is a substantial asset to have on your side. 
  3. The association board can focus on important issues, and not the day-to-day work. Having volunteers is a huge part of associations and can save money, but staff brings stability. That is where Nonprofit Resources comes in. Having a trusted team to ensure day-to-day operations gets completed is essential for any organization, and leaves time for the board to make the big decisions that will grow your association.

Interested in hearing more? Let us know if we can help your association! https://nonprofitresources.us/about/services-we-provide/

Day 4, Is your nonprofit looking to make some changes, but is not sure where to start? There are many great resolutions that could be beneficial for your company in 2020. Let’s take a look at 4 possible resolutions you may want to consider below: 

Website Re-Design 

What better way to kick-off the new year than spicing up your website? It is easy to push aside the aesthetic of your website design for months or even years, but do not forget the importance of a refresh. Individuals seeking out your website are looking for an understanding of your work and expertise. If an outsider sees a functional and clean website with a hint of personality, visitors may be more intrigued to learn more about your nonprofit. 

Create Board Diversity 

Welcome diversity onto your team! You may notice your board getting stuck in a rut. Seeing or talking to the same faces each day can result in different work performance. Reaching out to the people you serve or meeting others at networking events may assist your company towards new ideas and creativity! There’s nothing wrong with going outside of the box to help your nonprofit prosper.

Implement a Mentorship Program 

It is common to have an age-range throughout your company. Differences in age and experience do not have to result in poor collaboration. Consider a mentorship program where team members have the chance to work with people in other areas of expertise or age groups –  this allows for diverse skillsets to effectively be used together. New teams and groups will help your co-workers bounce ideas and strategies off one another to create the best outcome possible. 

Set Obtainable Goals 

Whether it is setting goals in our personal or professional lives, we have all experienced certain ambitions that tend to dwindle off. That is why it is so important to make goals that are obtainable! Even if you have a large goal you hope to achieve by the end of the year, it may be important to set small goals prior to help your company’s goal feel reachable. No matter how big or small your goal is, be sure that your workers are on the same page to promote successful collaboration. 

Wolfe, Emma. “8 New Year’s Resolutions Every Nonprofit Should Have.” Bloghttps://blog.elevationweb.org/7-new-years-resolutions-every-nonprofit-should-have

It’s day 5 here at Nonprofit Resources, let’s see what we have for you today!

It is important to consider the thoughts of the public or individuals that do not work for your nonprofit organization. Some aspects of your company may sway an individual to jump on board or even invest in your nonprofit. Let’s take a look at 5 characteristics that an individual may be influenced by when considering your organization.

Do you collaborate with similar organizations? Are the organizations found at the local, regional, or national level?

Collaborating with other organizations shows that you are willing to hear others ideas and opinions. People enjoy this quality because it makes them feel like they are able to share their ideas too. Not only does this show that your nonprofit enjoys working with others, it showcases leadership. One reason why it may be nice for a nonprofit to work with a similar organization is to cut costs. Working with others allows the organizations to share infrastructure and administrative expenses. That is not the only benefit, so do not forget about the efficiency and advocacy that comes with extra hands. Working with others allows you to propose your mission to others you might not have reached otherwise. 

Are you fulfilling your mission? 

Fulfilling your mission may be the most important aspect about your nonprofit. Mission statements are put in place to share who you are and what your goals are as an organization. It will be difficult for someone to put trust in your organization if they are aware that you are not meeting the set expectations. When you fulfill your mission, it means that your donors will find peace and confidence in their decision to make a contribution. 

How well have you utilized your funding? 

It is important to keep your funding consistent from year to year. In order to potentially receive funding from the same source next year, it is key to use what you have received to show the need for their money. Be sure that your organization is using excellent budgeting strategies to keep track of funding. 

Annually, are you meeting your goals, needs, and providing great results? 

When a nonprofit reaches their goals and provides great results, it showcases their loyalty to their mission. As your organization holds themselves accountable for their goals, it helps your investors feel confident with their decision. Ultimately, having spectacular results will help your nonprofit flourish and make the difference you are hoping to achieve. 

Compared to your competitors, how do your results compare or contrast?

The one major characteristic that will set your nonprofit apart from others is success. Success within a nonprofit is measured by staying true to your mission, being adaptive, respecting your donors, having great funding sources, all while inspiring others. Once you have established how to be successful within your organization, the change you are wishing to enforce will follow. 

“Questions to Ask a Nonprofit Before Investing in It.” GuideStar Nonprofit Reports and Forms 990 for Donors, Grantmakers, and Businesses, Candid, https://learn.guidestar.org/give-to-charity/donor-resources/questions-to-ask-a-nonprofit-before-investing-in-it.

Day 6, E-Mail Etiquette Is Every Professional’s Must-Have Skill. 6 words, you should NOT be using in your professional day-to-day. 

Unlike a face-to-face conversation, tone of voice, and body language can’t be recognized in online communication. Words are the only thing to make your message clearly understood, but some should be avoided. See the 6 words, you should NOT be used in your professional day-to-day. 

You may not realize it, but common words you type everyday can be perceived as indecisive or impolite. Here are 6 words to cut out of your e-mails to help improve e-mail etiquette:


The implication is intended to make you sound truthful, but it does the exact opposite. It implies that every other word you said beforehand may not be honest.

Honestly, it doesn’t prove anything.


Big sentence weakener. Unless it is being used a synonym for “fair” or “lawful”, skip it.

You just don’t need it!


The overuse of this word has become so common we generally don’t even notice how incorrectly it’s used. When you hear someone claim “literally, I think I might die” no one dials 911.

It is literally used to make things wayyyyy more dramatic.


The ‘M’ word makes you sound indecisive and uninformed, go for a simple yes or no instead.

Maybe it will make you seem more confident and sure…


The unofficial synonym for “well, duh”; it comes off as caustic and rude.

Obviously, you need to avoid it at all costs.


Adam Sinicki wrote the  article Why You Should Stop Saying Sorry (So Much). He states that “sorry” should be one of the hardest words for us to use:

“One of the big problems with saying sorry when something isn’t your fault is that it can lead people to assume that it is your fault… saying sorry a lot can make you seem less confident and even less competent, which can lead people to start taking advantage of you or even resenting you.”

If you have nothing to be sorry for, don’t use the word. Even if you do make a mistake go for “I apologize” or “in the future I will…” first.

Sorry but I hope this helps!

What are other words you think should be left out of e-mail correspondence? Leave a comment below or tweet @nonprofitstaff with your ideas!

Day 7 of Holiday Cheer! Nonprofit Resources started its very own 501©ast series this year. Check out our 7 episodes from this year!

Our library is growing, and we can’t wait to keep sharing our episodes. Our library consists of Nonprofit Organizational Strategy, Maintaining a Young Workforce, and so much more. Visit our collection! https://nonprofitresources.us/501cast/

Day 8! Being Sustainable Doesn’t Require A Whole Lot of Effort. Here Are A Few Simple Ways to Better Your Work Routine and Help Preserve the Environment:

1. Commuting. Encourage carpooling with co-workers. Even better, travel to work by walking or taking a bike.
2. Printing. Don’t print if it’s unnecessary. If you do have to print something, use both sides of the page and purchase recycled or chlorine-free paper.
3. Drinking. Instead of using a disposable cup every time you pass by the water cooler or need a coffee fix, choose reusable water bottles and mugs.
4. Energy. Turn off lights and equipment when you head home or when they’re not in use. 
5. Recycle.  Set up a recycling station for paper, cans, and bottles.
6. Buy quality. When purchasing supplies, go for quality so that it can be reused instead of replaced.
7. Go green… literally. Buy a plant to put in your workspace. Not only will it be great decor, but plants absorb indoor air pollution and help with the flow of oxygen.
8. Talk about it! Spread the word with coworkers and employees on how they can help be environmentally friendly, too.

Not only do these easy tricks to help save our planet, but they also help save money as well.
What are some other ways you think non-profits and businesses can be more sustainable? Comment below or tweet us: @nonprofitstaff.

9 Policies All Nonprofits Need

  1. Conflict of Interest 
  2. Code of Ethics: Whistle Blower & Anti-Trust
  3. Participation in Joint Ventures
  4. Retention and Destruction
  5. Distribution and Review of Form 990  
  6. Relationship Determination Amongst Board
  7. Independence of Directors
  8. Compensation Policy
  9. Document Retention

This list of policies is all things that every organization should be thinking about putting in place. Nonprofit Resources has 30 years of experience in the good and the not so fun situations, these policies make sure each organization has a plan for anything that may arise.

Chat with us to see what other things we can help with or recommend for your organization https://nonprofitresources.us/about/services-we-provide/

NPR is celebrating 12 Days of Holiday Cheer! Day 10 – What Are the 10 Things #nonprofitprofessionals Should Do During Downtime at Work?

1. DOUBLE CHECK YOUR WORK hand in perfect work that you can be proud of.

2. LOOK AHEAD wrap your head around upcoming deadlines.

3. HELP A CO-WORKER especially if you see someone struggling to meet a deadline.

4. ORGANIZE YOUR WORKSPACE give yourself a clean slate for tomorrow.

5. ORGANIZE YOUR DIGITAL WORKSPACE clear your inbox and sort the documents floating around your desktop.

6. PREP FOR YOUR ANNUAL REVIEW write down your accomplishments now while they’re fresh in your mind.

7. CREATE A TO-DO LIST prioritize your work for tomorrow.

8. BUILD YOUR KNOWLEDGE read industry blogs or books or start learning a relevant skill.

9. DO A BACK-BURNER PROJECT that thing you’ve had on your list for months? do it now.

10. GET INVOLVED IN ANOTHER TEAM PROJECT work with your co-workers on one of their projects for a new challenge.

NPR is celebrating 12 Days of Holiday Cheer! We are now 11 months into the great adventure of 2020. Through the highs and lows, here are 11 great things that NPR has accomplished this year:

  1. We’ve added 5 new team members to our roster

2.    The list of our #nonprofit clients continues to increase

3.    Witnessed some client’s capacity grow, even through the pandemic

4.    Successfully transitioned clients from in-person events to #onlineevents

5.    Internally, we switched to a state-of-the-art communication and #datasharing platform

6.    NPR launched our #501cast series (check out our #Youtube page!)

7.    Creation of second-to-none digital and print #graphics (S/O to our graphic wizard Marisa)

8.    We began setting personal and professional goals with #OakJournal

9.    In partnership with IPF, we hosted a fundraiser for the #BLM movement

10.  Hosted profitable #membership campaigns for our member-based clients

11.  Overall, made it through this unprecedented year. It’s been a doozy!

How can NPR help YOU accomplish your goals in 2021? Fill out our RFP to get a free quote of services!


12 Things our AMC Provides services

  1. Budgeting and Strategic Planning
  2. Grant writing and fundraising development
  3. Membership development and administration
  4. Training and accreditation programs
  5. Digital marketing
  6. General administration
  7. In-person and virtual event coordination and meeting functions
  8. Contract negotiation and administration
  9. Long and short-term project management
  10. Graphics and publications
  11. Board and committee development
  12. Volunteer coordination

FIND MORE SERVICES HERE: https://nonprofitresources.us/about/services-we-provide/

Join us here tomorrow for another day of Holiday Cheer!


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