Association Management Conference – First Timer’s Experience!

by | Oct 11, 2021 | Blog, Client News, Company Updates | 0 comments

Nonprofit Resources - Association Management Company (AMC)

Helping Nonprofits Succeed

Two of Nonprofit Resources’ staff members, Christine Do and Krissy Thayer, made their way to Louisville, Kentucky for AMC Institutes’s Re-Engaged event. 

The event was a great opportunity for two newbies to the non profit world. Some of the sessions Christine and Krissy attended were The Future of Experiences in Digital Age, Emerging Leaders/Account Executives Roundtable Discussion, and Keynote – Staying Power: How to Keep Staff Longer. 


Krissy was also asked to be a panelist in the session What I Wish I Knew About AMCs Before I Started Working at One. “It was so fun to be able to share my experiences with others new to the AMC world or to even show that we are all dealing with the same issues. The other panelists were such a delight to hear from as well, with so many years under their belt they had wonderful advice!” 

After a day full of sessions, the group traveled to Churchill Downs to tour the Kentucky Derby track and attend a networking reception. “It was a great opportunity to network with the professionals of the industry. I learned so much and met some fantastic people!” Krissy said. 

The lineup for this event had a lot to offer and it was an amazing experience. If you’re someone in the association management world, it’s highly recommended you go and connect with the individuals at these events. No one quite understands the AMC life until you’ve lived it and it’s very refreshing being able to bond with professionals who are jumping through the same hoops you’re facing every day. 


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