The Healthcare Hospitality Network is dedicated to providing our members with opportunities for continuing education and certification.
We recently introduced a Certified Hospitality House program – which provides members with access to our online learning management system, which contains over 60 valuable educational courses specifically useful for our industry. A committee of members from HHN led by chair Sarah Hoehlein, have worked for many years developing this program around seven core categories that are essential to the healthcare hospitality industry.
In addition to the online learning management system, HHN offers a monthly webinar program called “Ask the Expert.” Initially this was an audio conference call where members were able to have a live question and answer time with a guest expert.
This program has been developed under our volunteer Ask the Expert Coordinator Joan Malley, and has grown into an organized monthly video webinar bringing in guest experts from across the country and covering a diverse array of topics from Succession Planning, Infection Prevention, Women in Leadership, Supportive Activity Programs, and much more. Without Joan’s leadership and vision for this program, Ask the Expert would not be reaching its full potential, addressing industry issues and providing members with an opportunity to ‘meet’ monthly.
Recently, this program expanded to include three new program committee members. Our goal is to incorporate the needs of all of our members, introduce new voices to the discussion, and reach into new networks of potential experts to ensure that our members have access to the best industry experts.
None of this would be possible without dedicated members who volunteer their time to spearhead the programs offered to HHN members.
We want to thank our member volunteers!
Ask the Expert Committee Members: unfortunately I don’t have a picture of this newly formed committee as we haven’t gotten to meet ‘in-person’ yet. But we appreciate them so much!
- Laura Blackaby, Family House, Peoria, IL
- Diana Elbanna, Gift of Life Transplant House, Philadelphia, PA
- Cayce Starr, Tri Delta Place, Memphis, TN
And thank you to the Certified Hospitality House Committee!