DEIA Resources for Professionals and Nonprofits

Nonprofit Resources is committed to “helping nonprofits succeed” by amplifying voices and bringing together minds, voices, and ideas to further this mission.

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Helping Nonprofits Succeed

The Diversity Task Force’s Mission is to create a diverse and inclusive environment for Nonprofit Resources and our clients.

To achieve our mission of “helping nonprofits succeed”, the Diversity Task Force aims to leverage our diverse backgrounds and experiences to establish a framework for organizational culture. Also, we examine diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEIA) in our policies, procedures, and practices. It is our commitment, at every stage of organizational growth, to continue these aforementioned diversity efforts and articulate our Core Values. 

Nonprofit Resources also offers DEIA services and training, see our Human Resources page to learn more.

Essential Resources for Professionals and Nonprofits

This library of resources is designed to start conversations and initiate new perspectives. This page will be updated frequently, and feedback and comments are appreciated.


World House Podcast from Stanford University’s The Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute. This podcast series shares the work of the King Institute to archive and publish a definitive collection of the works of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In the process, researchers continue to learn remarkable details about Dr. King at every stage of his life. Through these 21 podcasts, notable scholars and historians discuss key events and the influences leading up to them.

On Purpose with Jay Shetty: Interviews with the Dearly Departed: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. King shares the best advice he received from his mother, why we treat others wrong, and what your life’s blueprint should include for a meaningful human experience. He also explains his dissatisfaction with the results that followed his famous “I Have A Dream” speech.”


Getting Ahead of the Curve with Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity  Candid. Learning – FREE – 1.5 hours

Beyond the Board Statement: How can Boards Join the Movement for Racial Justice (2 Parts)  Nonprofit Quarterly – FREE – 2 hours

How racial bias works  TEDTalk – FREE – 0.25 hours


Branch, Taylor. Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963-65.  Beginning with the Nation of Islam and conflict over racial separatism, Pillar of Fire takes the reader to Mississippi and Alabama: Birmingham, the murder of Medgar Evers, the “March on Washington,” the Civil Rights Act, and voter registration drives. In 1964, King is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Branch’s trilogy makes clear why the Civil Rights Movement, and indeed King’s leadership, are among the nation’s enduring achievements. In bringing these decades alive, preserving the integrity of those who marched and died, Branch gives us a crucial part of our history and heritage.

King, Martin Luther. In a Single Garment of Destiny: A Global Vision of Justice. From his own words, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. writes about his collaboration with other national and international figures such Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert J. Luthuli, and Thich Nhat Hanh on his positions on global liberation struggles. He extends his vision for civil rights onto a global scale, recognizing that civil rights require a pluralistic approach.

King, Martin Luther. All Labor Has Dignity. Containing 15 different documents from 1957-1968, this book presents a different Dr. King than what one is usually accustomed to. The collection demonstrates Dr. King’s systematic and concerted efforts to unite the civil rights movement with the concurrent labor movement. His economic justice platform is explored in the framework of human and civil rights, that none could exist without the other.

Harding, Vincent. Martin Luther King: The Inconvenient Hero.? In these eloquent essays that reflect upon King’s legacy over the past two decades and the meaning of his life today to fight against all forms of oppression, a portrait emerges of a man constantly evolving and going deeper into the roots of violence and injustice–a man whose challenge remains as timely and necessary as ever.

Morrison, Toni. The Source of Self-Regard. Spanning four decades worth of work, Toni Morrison reflects on the numerous social and political movements of recent. She tackles the timelessness of mass movements, and the variety of ways in which “to lessen suffering, to know the truth and tell it, to raise the bar of humane expectation.”

Black History Month: Must-Attend Events!

Black History Month: Must-Attend Events!

As we reflect and learn during Black History Month, we encourage you to celebrate wherever you are! The Nonprofit Resources staff spans the country, and we have compiled a list of events that NPR staff will be attending. See an event ...
Add a new book or podcast to your library for Black History Month!

Add a new book or podcast to your library for Black History Month!

February is Black History Month. A time dedicated to the recognition of the sacrifices, triumphs, and adversities that have shaped American history. While February may be a designated time to acknowledge and remember Black history, ...
Announcing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager

Announcing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager

Nonprofit Resources is thrilled to announce Brittany Quinn’s new title as Nonprofit Resources' Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager. Brittany is an excellent choice for this role, working with Nonprofit Resources out of ...
Challenging the Norm – LGBTQ+ Workplace Inclusivity

Challenging the Norm – LGBTQ+ Workplace Inclusivity

Challenging our established norms is never easy, especially in the workplace. Here are some steps you can take to transform your workplace into an inclusive, inviting, equal space for all employees.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Remembrance, Reflection, Action

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Remembrance, Reflection, Action

During his lifetime, Martin Luther King Jr. grappled with many national issues, including but not limited to segregation, wage equity, housing, workers’ rights, union representation, and voting rights. Reflecting on his leadership and the challenges he navigated, it’s clear there is still work to be done.